Depression | ||
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the waves
Many people who've struggled with depression often feel hopeless ~ this can lead them to consider suicide. If you are thinking about suicide, you can call a suicide prevention hotline for support ~ most hotlines operate 24 hours a day and have trained, caring counselors available to listen. If you've been overwhelmed by depression, you may feel you don't even have the energy to save yourself. But a phone call to a friend or a hotline can be enough to begin healing. Psychotherapy, changes in nutrition and lifestyle, and medication can provide relief to people fighting even severe depression. Check below for more information on ways to heal. |
Introduction | |||
Approximately 18.8 million American adults, or about 9.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year, have a depressive disorder(1). (See Types below.) Of those, almost 10 million Americans suffer from major depressive disorder each year, nearly twice as many women (6.7 million) as men (3.2 million).(2) One in twenty Americans seek professional treatment for depression annually.(3) But two-thirds of those with depression receive no treatment at all.(4) |
Although most healthcare professionals consider depression to be a "brain disease" caused by disturbed or abnormal processing of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, the causes of these disturbances may include nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. For instance, in one study, 75% of 500 people with hypoglycemia were also found to be suffering from significant depression; and, according to other research, people who crave carbohydrates also show a high susceptibility to clinical depression.(5) |
Medical illnesses such as stroke, a heart attack, or cancer can cause depressive symptoms: the sick person becomes apathetic and unwilling to care for his or her physical needs, which can prolong the recovery period. A serious loss, difficult relationship, financial problem, or any stressful (unwelcome or even desired) change in life patterns can trigger a depressive episode (see Symptoms below). A combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors is often involved in the onset of a depressive disorder.(6) |
Depression may also be understood as a spiritual problem. At least one spiritual teacher has suggested that depression can be received as a gift that will aid us in our spiritual growth. From this viewpoint, struggling with depression is part of the problem ~ don't deny the experience, study it! Don't indulge it, either, it is suggested. Instead, one can seek a middle path, developing one's awareness and self-knowledge.(7) |
back to top | Symptoms of Depression | ||
Regardless of which theory about depression we favor, its effects on our lives are debilitating and often crippling. Personal, family, social, occupational, and other areas of life can be seriously disrupted; some who are sufferering may require hospitalization to prevent harm to themselves or others. Clinical symptoms of a "major depressive episode" (lasting 2 weeks or more) can include(8):
Some people experience a mix of depressed and manic feelings. A manic episode, lasting at least a week, is also seriously disabling; manic symptoms can include(9):
Some people can even experience periods known as a "mixed episode", during which they have both depressive and manic symptoms for at least a week.. |
back to top | Types of Depression(10) | ||
Some therapists and others who help people fight against depression speak about different "types" of depression. This is one way to distinguish between different patterns of symptoms that people experience ~ in actuality, each person's depression is unique. These depressive patterns or disorders include:
Other disorders that can include depressive symptoms or episodes are:
back to top | Ways to Heal | ||
Mainstream psychotherapeutic approaches to healing depression generally use antidepressant medicines and cognitive-behavioral therapy as the primary tools. Once any dangers to the client or others (usually due to aggressive or suicidal ideas or plans) are removed and clients are in a safe environment, goals include helping clients to:
Alternative treatments for depression, some of which are still controversial, include:
Other alternative and complementary therapies for depression include:
Depression is a serious condition and can be life-threatening in its most severe forms. Getting help is not a failure of will or a sign of weakness ~ in fact, seeking treatment for depression is a sign of hope. Contact your doctor or other helping professional for advice on overcoming depression. |
Sources: | |||
1. "Depression" 2001. National Institute of Mental Health. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/depression.cfm NOTE: This page has been replaced by: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/depression/index.shtml | |||
2. "Major Depression" 2001. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. http://www.nami.org/helpline/depress.htm | |||
3. "What is Depression?" 2000. The Depression Wellness Network. http://www.holisticdepression.net/dep-hol.htm | |||
4. "Treatment for Depression Soars" 2002. National Mental Health Association. http://www.nmha.org/ccd/treatmentsoars.cfm | |||
5. "What is Depression?" 2000. The Depression Wellness Network. http://www.holisticdepression.net/dep-hol.htm | |||
6. "Depression" 2001. National Institute of Mental Health. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/depression.cfm | |||
7. "The Depression Book", by Cheri Huber. 1991. Center for the Practice of Zen Buddhist Meditation: Mountain View, CA. | |||
8. "Criteria for Major Depressive Episode", DSM-IV (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Ed.), 1994. p.327. American Psychiatric Association: Washington, DC. | |||
9. "Criteria for Manic Episode", DSM-IV (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Ed.), 1994. p.332. American Psychiatric Association: Washington, DC. | |||
10. "Mood Disorders ", DSM-IV (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Ed.), 1994. p.317. American Psychiatric Association: Washington, DC. | |||
11. "Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention: The 1-2-3's of Treatment Planning", S. Johnson. 1997. p.40. Academic Press: San Diego. | |||
12. "Other Therapies" and "Self-Help", 2002. Treatments for Depression.com http://www.treatments-for-depression.com/ | |||
13. "Alternative and Complementary Therapies for Depression" 2002. Holistic-online.com http://www.holisticonline.com/Remedies/Depression/dep_home.htm |
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